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A new variant of Omicron detected – BA.2

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

ABC News recently reported on New York area doctors disseminating information on the new 'stealth' COVID variant of Omicron, BA.2.

Dr. Emil Lesho, the Infectious Disease Specialist at Rochester Regional Health, states the new variant is trickier to test for. Additionally, though there is no evidence right now showing BA.2 to be more harmful than the original Omicron, it's outpacing its parent virus in some places.

Head of Infectious Diseases at Rochester General, Dr. Edward Walsh, is quoted to agree with Dr. Lesho, in that timing is too early to give any clear answer to what BA.2 is capable of, adding the new variant could just as well blend in with the current dominant strain.

"We can't take a false sense of security by believing Omicron will be the last variant of concern. That said though, we are in a lot better place to deal with these variants. As more and more people get vaccinated or as more people become immune, that will help a lot," states Dr. Lesho.

Our team has worked extensively on ensuring our COVID-19 test can detect emerging variants – including BA.2 – and will continue to be vigilant regarding any new developing threats. Click here to learn more about Acutis Reveal™ COVID-19 PCR testing.



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