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Team Acutis saves up to129 lives at the 2nd Annual Acutis Blood Drive

Acutis SRRC

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

Last year, our Social Responsibility Response Committee (SRRC) hosted a blood drive at our corporate office with the New York Blood Center (NYBC) to combat blood bank donation shortages during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As the nation experiences the worst blood shortage in over a decade, the Acutis SRRC organized our second blood drive with the NYBC to help our team do our part to save lives.

Patients of all ages are in dire need of this life-saving medical resource. The reality of this shortage and the fact that someone needs blood every 2 seconds and 1 in 3 people will need a blood product in their lifetime under normal circumstances inspired us to take action.

On this year's drive, Acutis CEO Jibreel Sarij stated, "The first time I donated blood was last year at our event. The truth is that the idea of walking into an independent blood collection center outside of work seemed strange to me. I assume others may feel the same. For that reason, corporate sponsorship of these events is invaluable. In addition to the life-saving impact of giving blood, we get to feel a sense of accomplishment together. "

Our commitment to saving lives doesn't stop at the lab. At the conclusion of the event, the team's donations proved to be staggering, donating a total of 43 pints of blood which has the potential to save 129 lives. We extend a huge thank you to our SRRC for organizing another successful event and look forward to making this an annual occurrence.

The NYBC has donation centers throughout New York. If you are an eligible blood donor, consider donating at your local donation center, as only one pint of blood has the ability to save 3 lives.



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